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4 Fév 2005, 16:44
hello tout le monde. en mattant la vidéo faite par manzarek qui s'appelle riders on the storm je crois j'ai remarqué lors d'une apparition télé des doors sur touch me que krieger avait un bel oeil au beurre noir... ce qui contraste étonnament avec le sublime et séduisant jim...

quelqu'un sait il se qui s'était passé? une bagarre? une fete trop arrosée?

sinon petite question qui n'a rien avoir... jim a t'il tourné le film dont il parlait? si oui celui ci est il disponible? et bien?


4 Fév 2005, 16:59
c'est vrai que ça me turlupinait cet oeil ça fait très con...
Joannic Laborde

4 Fév 2005, 17:43
Explication dans le chat avec Ray du 17 novembre 1997:

From Ray in Los Angeles: Hi Ray! I really dig your piano playing: How did Robbie get a black eye on the Ed Sullivan Show, or the Smothers' Brothers show?

Ray Manzarek says "Back in the 60's it was dangerous to have long hair. Rednecks would beat you up because you were considered un-American. If you had long hair, it meant you were against the war in Vietnam. And REAL "Americans" love killing! They love booze! Drinking! Whiskey! and they love guns! Instead, the hippies like to get high on pot and then they like to make love and dance and make music and sing and have a good time! Hippies were against killing. So, three rednecks got in a fight with Jim and Robbie down the street from the Doors' office at a bar and there was pushing and shoving and Robbie Krieger got whacked in the eye. Jim ducked a punch, Robbie wasn't able to duck the punch. That was 2 days before we went on the SMothers Brothers' Show. They said to Robbie on the show, let's put some make-up on that black eye. You don't want to be on national televisoin with a black eye. And Robbie said, Yes I do! No one has ever gone on TV with a black eye. I'm going to be the first! It's a badge of honor. The End!"
4 Fév 2005, 18:03
ok merci pour les infos!!!! enfin c'est vrai que c'est original de faire une télé avec un oeil au beurre noir... mais il a un peu l'air con quand meme!!!

4 Fév 2005, 18:34
merci JL.
Joannic Laborde

5 Fév 2005, 13:33
Contradiction! chat avec Ray et Robby du 3 juillet 1996:

Billy : Why did you have a black eye during The Smothers Brothers SHow?
Robby: Jim and I got in a fight. He won.

5 Fév 2005, 13:36
conneries ça....
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