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27 Déc 2004, 7:28
Salut tout le monde... Donc, pour mon premier message, je voulais juste savoir. Je suis fan des Doors depuis un moment, j'ai tout les CD, Live etc mais on m'a un jour fait écouter une chanson (apparemment des Doors) intitulée FOOLS (et non pas Ship of Fools) qui dure 8 minutes et qui commence par une longue intro vaporeuse avant que le chanteur (qui a vraiment la voix de Morrison) entame un premier couplet qui commence par "I can see what's wrong with me...). Puis, un deuxième passage calme un peu foutraque pour finir par un autre couplet aussi sauvage que le premier. Voilà, je ne trouve ce titre nulle part. Ca ressemble beaucoup aux Doors quand même. Quelqu'un voit-il de quoi il s'agit ou suis-je juste inculte (c possible aussi)?

27 Déc 2004, 8:28
Modeste et Pompon

28 Déc 2004, 15:09
C'est donc une chanson de Deep Purple.
1 Jan 2005, 14:26
Merci, donc je vais me cacher..........

1 Jan 2005, 20:19
LÖHL !!!!
The Backdoorman

12 Jan 2005, 3:54
Vu sur www.raymanzarek.com

Je l'ai mis dans Fools pour Mojo !

The Doors Of The 21st Century (D21C) have started work on their first studio album. Founding Doors members Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and recruited singer Ian Astbury are putting music and vocals to lyrics submitted by Jim Carroll, Michael McClure and Warren Zevon.

Carroll, a poet and author, wrote The Basketball Diaries. McClure, a poet, playwright and essayist, was considererd the late Jim Morrison's mentor.

Singer - songwriter Zevon gave keyboardist Manzarek two stanzas to a piece titled River Of Madness Running Through L.A. Zevon died in 2003.

Early lyrics from Carroll and McClure suggest a dark study of America. Carroll has submitted Street Of Crocodiles and Cops Talk, on which he is an eavesdropper with unclear motives. "Cops talk/What do they say?" the song asks. "I've listened today."

McClure has written The Eagle In The Whirlpool for D21C. "It is about America." Manzarek says, "and a spiral." That spiral, against a back drop of modern day conservatism, inspires the poetic fighter in Manzarek. "America becomes very insulated when it is in a war situation," Manzarek says.

"They don't want anybody talking about freedom, they don't want anybody talking about passion or truth. "In the 1960s, we were all trying to stop the Vietnam War and the Establishment was trying to shut us down. "And now, nobody knows what to do about the Iraq War. But the answer is simple: get the (bleep) out of there and let the Iraqis govern their own country." Manzarek describes US President George W. Bush and his advisers as strange. "They have a strange concept of what it is to be alive in this universe," Manzarek says, "and it's not psychadelic. They are trying to push America back to the 1950s and its not going to work." Manzarek, on the other hand, is pushing into a new frontier. He, founding Doors guitarist Robby Krieger, and Astbury have reconvened as D21C. Astbury, formerly of UK rock band The Cult, was hired after he fronted a Doors reunion television special in 2001. Manzarek saw something Morrison-esque in Astbury. "That shamanic, spiritual quality," Manzarek says. "Ian Astbury is like an echo of Jim Morrison. God had some dark cloth when he cut out Jim Morrison. I say he used the same cloth for Ian Astbury." Manzarek considered two sides when he regrouped D21C. He thought about the opportunity to play Doors classics for the first time in 30 years. And he grappled with doing this supergroup without Morrison. "There will always be people who say we shouldn't do this without Jim. Well, I don't know how to tell those folks, but Jim Morrison is dead, and he's been dead for 33 years. So, here's the choice. You can hear Ray, Robby and Ian play the hell out of The Doors songs. Or don't come."

Manzarek, Krieger and Astbury laid very few ground rules for D21C. They agreed to take on every Doors song except The End, a doom-laden love song Morrison wrote after a split. "That is sacred to Jim Morrison. The other songs are songs," says Manzarek. "But The End is the story of Jim Morrison. It is a Jim Morrison psychodrama best left to Jim Morrison". Manzarek says the conception of The End is sacred, too. It took shape after long improv sessions on stage with only four audience members at the London Fog in Los Angeles. But the London Fog shows turned The End into an icon. "We had so much time to kill on stage that we stretched it out. We smoked a joint and said: 'This is an A minor song in an Indian style with a raga feel. Let's do it."

Musically, Manzarek says the new D21C album will follow that tradition. He expects a pastiche of rock, jazz, psychadelic and improv. "We are extending The Doors style into the 21st Century. And The Doors music was always complex," he says. Manzarek agrees with Astbury's assessment that the classic Doors sound thin on record, but demonic live. The new D21C record aims to capture the demon on tape. "Live, The Doors was more a Dionysian revelry in which you are having a ritualistic rite of passion and madness," he says. "On the records, it was more a laboratory thing." Manzarek still misses his poet friend Morrison, who died of an apparent heart attack in 1971, six years after forming The Doors.

In his final years, Morrison was a raging alcoholic. Manzarek recalls a last-ditch intervention at Krieger's house to save their friend. "We had a confrontation. It was very serious and probably the hardest thing we have ever done", he says. "We told Jim: 'You are drinking too much and it's affecting your health.' It didn't affect his creativity. He was still writing great songs. Great words were still coming out of him, but his health was affected and we told him that. And Jim said: 'I know. I'm trying to quit.' And we said: 'Okay. We're with you.' That's all we wanted to hear. I always thought he'd pull through. "But alcohol was too strong and buried too deep inside of him. He couldn't quit. He couldn't let go. So it got him."

Morrison once said performance was a matter of life or death: a public meeting for special dramatic discussion. How does Manzarek feel about this in 2005?

"I still agree with that," he answers. "We get together to play live to palliate the dead and to reinforce the life that we all share in common. "People say we are legendary. And I appreciate that and I am very thankful. But all I really want them to do is come to the show and get their rocks off."

12 Jan 2005, 4:36
Je chie sur les D21C
The Backdoorman

12 Jan 2005, 4:42
Ahhhhh !!!!! Je savais que tu réagirais en premier !

12 Jan 2005, 4:58
comme si tu t'a attendais pas... petit filou!

12 Jan 2005, 5:06
t'y attendais pas...
Modeste et Pompon

23 Jan 2005, 15:54
Un de vous peut-il me rendre un service?

J'ai perdu ma pochette de Morrison Hotel il y a quelques mois. Un de vous pourrait-il m'en faire une copie? Je parle de la pochette plié en trois avec la photo Morrison Hotel, la photo Hard Rock Café et la photo dans le bar et les crédits. Un de vous pourrait-il me scanner tout ça et me l'envoyer?

Si possible, pourriez-vous la scanner en un seul morceau et si vous êtes vraiment gentil, pourriez-vous, plutôt que de m'envoyer seulement le fichier jpg. la coller sur un document word et me l'envoyer tel quel? Ça m'épargnerait le trouble de stretcher avec paint-kit pour avoir la bonne grosseur.

En tout cas, si c'est trop compliqué, juste les pochettes en fichier séparé jpg, c'est correct. Je me débrouillerai avec cela.

23 Jan 2005, 16:47

t'as qu'a faire un agrandissement après non?

24 Jan 2005, 7:24

sympa, sympa...
Modeste et Pompon

24 Jan 2005, 10:15
Personne peut satisfaire ma demande? Ta photo est beaucoup trop petite pour avoir un bon résultat Sag et ce n'est pas du tout ce que je demande.
Modeste et Pompon

24 Jan 2005, 10:17
Et d'ailleurs, ce n'est qu'une photo de la session avec Diltz et dans celle dans la pochette, il n'y a pas ce gros tas devant John.

24 Jan 2005, 10:25
je te scann ca ce soir, si t'as la patience d'attendre jusqu'à demain!
Modeste et Pompon

24 Jan 2005, 13:02
Pas de problème, merci.
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