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Nom : Documentary Film 1st-3rd July
Email :
Commentaire : Dear Fans,

It’s Jo here, the filmmaker from London. (We were filming at the Renaissance bar last weekend.)

I hope that you, family and friends were not affected by the terrible events on Thursday.

A big thank you once again to all those to took part in the film.

I will be posting to all the fan websites and emailing to those who gave their email addresses on a monthly basis to let you know the progress of the film.

If you would prefer not to receive emails from me and would prefer to check out the websites instead, please let me know and I will remove your address from the mailing list.

Apologies to those who did write down their email addresses and have not received an email from me...I can’t read your handwriting!

If you know of anyone who was at the Renaissance bar last weekend and would like to receive a monthly email, please ask them to email me.

Also, if anyone knows of any other fan websites dedicated to Jim Morrison and/or The Doors who would like any info about the film, please let me know.

My email address is: winter.pictures@virgin.net.

For those fans that could not make it Paris on the 3rd, I’ll explain what all this is about.

The crew and I were in Paris from 1st-3rd July to make a short documentary about Jim Morrison, the fans and Le Pere Lachaise cemetery. Unfortunately we were not allowed to film in the cemetery at the weekend and instead filmed the celebrations at the Renaissance bar.

Anyway, after all that I don’t have anything to report at the moment regarding the progress of the film. It’s only been a week and I’m still sorting out paperwork! I do however have many photographs that I shall be sending out to the fans over the next month.

Speak to you all in a month’s time.

All the best, Jo

Winter Pictures
Nombre de sujets : 3
Nombre de messages : 4
Premier message : 18 juillet 2005

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